What is Augmented Reality and its Applications

If you’ve ever watched sci-fi movies and wondered how characters effortlessly open screens with their phones or laptops anywhere, you’re not alone. What seemed like pure movie magic is now a reality known as Augmented Reality (AR).

What is Augmented Reality And Its Applications – 2023 Overview

This blog is a journey into the basics of AR, its uses, and what the future holds.

Augmented Reality Definition

Augmented Reality (AR) is like a magic window that adds computer-made information to the real world. It uses things like software, apps, and special glasses to put digital things on real things around us. This doesn’t just make things look cooler but it turns the world into a big learning playground, especially for making things in factories and Industry 4.0.

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How AR Works

Imagine you have a phone, tablet, or cool glasses with a camera, AR starts working. When you point these devices at something, like a toy or a machine, the AR software looks at it using a special technology called computer vision.

It then fetches information about that thing from the internet, much like how a web browser loads a page from a link. The AR information is not just on a flat screen but it is like a 3-D experience mixed with the real thing. AR isn’t just about making things look fancy. It can show real-time info about products and let people control them using touch, voice, or gestures.

For example, in a factory, someone wearing AR glasses might see how well a machine works and control it by touching a virtual button. As they move, the AR display changes to fit what’s happening around them. Different people in the same place might see different AR things based on what they need.

Now, there’s a virtual twin involved. It’s like a digital copy of a real thing, living in the cloud. This twin collects info from the real thing, business systems, and other places to show what’s happening right now. It’s like a bridge between the real thing and AR, making sure the digital info matches the real thing.

Difference Between Augmented, Virtual, and Mixed Reality

Let’s keep it simple the difference between Augmented, Virtual, and Mixed Reality.

Virtual Reality (VR)

This makes you feel like you’re in a different world. You wear special glasses, and you can do things in that world, like move around and touch stuff. It’s often used for learning and playing.

Augmented Reality (AR)

This adds digital things to the real world. Instead of glasses, it can work with your phone or tablet. For work in factories, special glasses are handy.

Mixed Reality (MR)

This mixes real and made-up things. Like playing a video game but still being able to see your real-world surroundings. It’s like having your coffee and playing a game at the same time.

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Applications Of Augmented Reality

AR is not just a technological thing it is a part of our daily lives.


you can try out furniture in your home before buying it using a store’s application. For example IKEA.

Entertainment and Gaming

Play a game that shows up in your real world or have fun with creative filters on social media.


See directions on the road while looking at the real view. It can even show you info about nearby shops.

Tools and Measurement

By using AR through your Phone you can measure things in your space, like checking if a new couch fits.


Architects can use AR to see how a building project will look in the real world.


Soldiers use AR to see important info on their helmet screen, like directions and weather.


AR helps archaeologists rebuild sites. Visitors can feel like they’re at a real dig site using 3D models.

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Examples of AR

  • Target app: Take a photo of a space in your home and see how a product will look there.
  • Apple Measure app: Turn your iPhone into a virtual tape measure for simple measurements.
  • Snapchat filters: Play around with filters that add fun stuff to your pictures.
  • Pokemon Go: Hunt for virtual creatures in your real-world surroundings using your phone.
  • Google Glass: Wearable glasses that show info without using your hands. Used by workers to be more efficient in jobs like shipping.
  • U.S. Army: Soldiers use AR in their helmets to find each other and get important information.


AR is not just a technology trend, it’s becoming a part of our everyday lives. As applications and games like Pokemon Go become more popular, AR is growing too. The future looks exciting, especially with faster networks like 5G supporting cloud-based AR.

Imagine Google’s glasses translating spoken words into text it’s like living in a sci-fi movie itself but it’s all reality. Additionally, AR is immersive, meaning it pulls you into its world. This opens up endless possibilities across different platforms and media.

As we move forward, AR is not just a fantasy but it’s a reality that’s changing how we see and interact with the world. So, as technology leaps forward, get ready for a world where the line between the real and digital blurs, and augmented reality becomes a normal part of our lives.

The journey of Augmented Reality is just beginning, and each step takes us closer to a world where the real and digital coexist seamlessly.

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